Areas of Expertise
Expert translations require more than just proficiency in the source and target languages.
They require the type of specialist understanding that is only acquired through years of study, years of practice, or both. On top of that, I demonstrate my commitment to my specialist areas by engaging in regular, focused opportunities for continuing professional development.

Arts & humanities
I have been a voracious reader across multiple disciplines and genres from an early age, with a particular fondness for forms of literature that allow me to travel, metaphorically speaking: to distant shores (real or invented), into the far-flung past, or into a brave new future.
Combined with a rigorous foundation in the arts & humanities (Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours, University of Oxford), further study at postgraduate level (Master of Arts degree, University of Geneva), and more than 6 years’ experience helping a variety of artists, musicians, galleries, publishing houses and news agencies connect with English-speaking audiences, you can rest assured that I have the mindset not just to engage with your vision, but to convey it in idiomatic English, while respecting your content, tone, and style.
The projects I work on most frequently include brochures, booklets, websites, and texts accompanying artworks; these texts may offer insights into artistic or musical productions (artist or musician statements that help contextualise a piece within a broader body of work), or they may be biographical or autobiographical in nature, giving viewers or listeners the opportunity to create a connection with the person behind the concepts.
My task is to absorb that textual connection you create with your home audience, and to reproduce it faithfully for an English-speaking audience.

International cooperation
Having been based just outside of Geneva, Switzerland – the city the United Nations calls the “Capital of Peace” – for more than 30 years, I have long been steeped in an internationalist environment dedicated to cooperation and development.
My desire to contribute in some small way to making the world a better place began with work carried out for Translators Without Borders (with whom I am still affiliated) in 2019, followed by first-hand experience working in Geneva’s NGO sector.
I continue to provide essential translation services both to Swiss and international nonprofit organisations, covering themes such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and raising the profile of Geneva – my city – as a place where decision-makers from the political, economic, diplomatic, and academic sectors can come together and strengthen ties in the international community.
In this capacity, I have worked on texts as diverse as fundraising appeals for war-torn regions, information booklets for World Refugee Day, and mayoral addresses to the local and wider international community.
Additionally, I have extensive experience in:

Do your texts fall within any of these areas?
If so, then do get in touch – I would be happy to hear from you and discuss your project.